To call any of these methods, send a POST request to this url with encoded JSON according to the JSON RPC 2.0 spec.
The 'params' value should be specified by-name (i.e. as a JS object). Batch requests are supported.
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
alert_id | – | Yes | |
dismiss | False | No | |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Add a and b together and return the result.
This is a dumb method for debugging. Requires a valid sessionkey, so use this to test logging in.
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
a | First number | – | Yes |
b | Second number | 0 | No |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
id_type | String. One of android, ios, ms_mobile or ms_win | – | Yes |
reg_id | – | Yes | |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Gets a list of alert objects for the companies devices. Make the same queries as the front page.
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
company | uid of the company to filter by | – | Yes |
limit | Number of objects in each page | null | No |
network_uid | The uid of the network | null | No |
page | Pagination page, index starts at 1 | null | No |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Get a list of companies that may be managed by the user.
Companies are returned as a list of objects containing the name, company key and logo url.
e.g. [{"name":"Microsoft", "key":10}, {"name":"Sony", "key":20, "image_url": ""}]
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Gets a single device
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
device_key | The device key | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Gets a single device
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
device_uid | The device uid | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
company | uid of the company to filter by | null | No |
network_uid | The uid of the network | null | No |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Sends a greeting to who.
This is a test method, meant as a debugging aid.
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
who | Name to greet | – | Yes |
Does nothing except extend the session for another hour.
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Connect a device with a user, and return an auth key.
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
device_name | Name of the device (max 100 chars). This text should be recognizable to the user. e.g. "Will's iPhone" | – | Yes |
device_token | An ID to identify the device (max 40 chars). | – | Yes |
id_token | ID token received from the SSO provider. | – | Yes |
Change password for the user specified by sessionkey. User must submit the current password for verification
Return the following output: { "password_changed": bool, whether the password was changed "errors": list of errors, when the password could not be changed }
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
current_password | Current password for verification | – | Yes |
new_password | New password to set | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Connect a device with a user, and return an auth key.
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
device_name | Name of the device (max 100 chars). This text should be recognizable to the user. e.g. "Will's iPhone" | – | Yes |
device_token | An ID to identify the device (max 40 chars). | – | Yes |
password | User's password | – | Yes |
username | User's username | – | Yes |
Log in a user with credentials username and password.
Most of the json rpc methods require a login, so this should be the first call before anything else. If login is successful, this method will return a string containing the session key, this value should be passed to the other methods as a parameter called sessionkey.
If login is not successful this method will return an error state.
Sessions are automatically logged out, 60 minutes after the last request.
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
password | Password | – | Yes |
username | Username | – | Yes |
Log out a given session. Subsequent calls to methods requiring a login will fail.
Not really required, since sessions expire after 60 minutes, but this is good house-keeping, and can protect against potential exploits.
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Looks up user by the specified email. Tries to send the password reset link; returns the following structure:
{ "reset_email_sent": True, if user was found False, otherwise }
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
User's email | – | Yes |
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
asset_tag | Asset tag of a device | – | Yes |
company_key | The uid of the company | – | Yes |
network_key | The uid of the network | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
This method binds Tag specified by tag_uid to the customer specified by enduser_uid
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
company_key | The uid of the company | – | Yes |
enduser_uid | EndUser uid | – | Yes |
network_key | The uid of the network | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
tag_uid | Tag uid | – | Yes |
Creates Customer object.
The input data has the following allowed fields:
'address1': <string>, // first line of address lines
'address2': <string>, // second line of address lines
'address3': <string>, // third line of address lines
'cash_limit': <optional string>, // cash limit
'cash_prepay_limit': <optional string>, // limit for cash prepay
'credit_type': <int>, allowed values: 1 - Cash, 2 - Volume
'email': <optional string>,
'external_customer_id': <optional string>,
'tel': <string>,
'mobile': <string>,
'multiproduct_limit': None,
'mute_all_notifications': <boolean>,
'name': <string>,
'notes': <optional string>,
'organization': <string>,
'payment_type': <int>, possible values: 0 - pre-pay, 1 - daily limit,
'pin': <optional string>,
'send_email': <boolean>,
'suspended': <boolean>,
'zipcode': <string>,
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
company_key | The uid of the company | – | Yes |
enduser_data | EndUser data | – | Yes |
network_key | The uid of the network | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Get list of Customers.
Returned in the following format:
'address1': '',
'address2': '',
'address3': '',
'cash_limit': None,
'cash_prepay_limit': None,
'credit_type': 1,
'email': None,
'external_customer_id': None,
'mobile': '',
'multiproduct_limit': None,
'mute_all_notifications': False,
'name': 'treyes',
'notes': None,
'number': '0',
'organization': '',
'payment_type': 0,
'pin': None,
'send_email': False,
'suspended': False,
'tel': '',
'uid': '498961e0-0bd2-4f46-a219-58f0cc2f6759',
'zipcode': '',
Returns: List[EndUserDict]: List of serialized EndUser objects
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
company_key | The uid of the company | – | Yes |
limit | Maximum number of endusers to return (optional, defaults to 25, valid only when page is not empty) | 25 | No |
network_key | The uid of the network | – | Yes |
order_by | list of fields to order the data against; Optional. fields that are allowed for ordering: name, email, external_customer_id, tel. If you want to filter in descending order, please prefix the field with a minus sign (-). Example input values: ["-name"], ["name", "tel"] | null | No |
page | 1-indexed page number (optional) | null | No |
search_query | Query to filter the users against; The following fields will be filtered: name, tel, mobile, address, email, organization | null | No |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
This function moves all enduser tags to inventory and removes the user
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
company_key | The uid of the company | – | Yes |
enduser_key | EndUser uid | – | Yes |
network_key | The uid of the network | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Changes the tag pin
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
new_pin | New pin number | – | Yes |
old_pin | Current pin number | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Get customer info for logged in user.
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
sessionkey | Sessionkey from logged in user. | – | Yes |
Gets customer transactions for the hydip app
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
filters | Mapping of filters | null | No |
limit | maximum number of transactions to return | 10 | No |
page | 1-indexed page number | 1 | No |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
tag_id | ID for tag | null | No |
Get customer transactions. Transaction limit: 500.
Request example:
"start": "2016-01-26 00:16:00" | "2016-01-01",
"end": "2016-01-26 00:35:00" | "2018-01-01"
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
filters | Mapping of filters | null | No |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
tag_id | ID for tag | null | No |
Get information regarding a logged in tag.
A successful response will return the following:
"tag": <string>,
"tag_id": <string: identifier for tag to be used in queries>,
"tag_number": <string: formatted tag number for display>,
"cust_name": <string: Customer name>,
"address": <string: hex offset of tag in nems memory>,
"hash": <string: hash of tag>,
"source": <string: 'UI' or 'IMPORTED'>,
"type": <integer: tag type>,
"credit_type": <string: 'INVALID', 'CASH', or 'VOLUME'>,
"credit type_id": <integer: 0, 1, 2>,
"credit_type_label": <string: 'invalid', 'cash', or 'volume'>,
"pay_class": <string: 'CASH_DAILY_LIMIT', 'CASH_PRE_PAY', 'VOLUME_DAILY_LIMIT', 'VOLUME_PRE_PAY'> or null,
"pay_class_id": <integer: 0, 1, 2, 3> or null
"pay_class_label": <integer: 'cash daily limit', 'cash_prepay', 'vol. daily limit', 'vol.prepay'> or null,
"products": <list of string: names of products enabled on tag>,
"credit": <number>,
"muted": <boolean: notifications muted>,
"reset_time": <number or null: epoch time of next reset or null for no rest time>
"amount_used": <number: amount of tag used>,
"limit": <number>,
"phone_support_number": <optional str>,
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Returns tags for a hydip user
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
filters | Mapping of filters | null | No |
limit | maximum number of transactions to return | 10 | No |
page | 1-indexed page number | 1 | No |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Returns list of transactions for the currently logged in tag Args: request (HttpRequest): Django HTTP Request object sessionkey (str): session ID for the currently logged in tag page (int, optional): page number. Defaults to 1. limit (int, optional): number of items per page. Defaults to 10. filters (StringMap, optional): Additional filters for the queryset. Defaults to {}. Returns: List[StringMap]: List of transactions
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
filters | Tag filters | null | No |
limit | Number of results per page | 10 | No |
page | 1-indexed page number | 1 | No |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Adds the mobile reg id to the tag object
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
id_type | One of 'android', 'ios', 'ms_mobile' | – | Yes |
reg_id | Registration ID | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Logs in with a tag number and a PIN.
On success, the response will be:
"Session_key": <str>,
"pin_change_enabled": <bool>,
"customer_info" : <dict or None> {
"name": <str>,
"addr1": <str>,
"addr2": <str>,
"zip": <str>,
"tel": <str>,
"mobile": <str>
"database_id": <optional int>,
"database_name": <optional str>,
"company_id": <optional str>
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
pin | Tag pin number | – | Yes |
tag | Tag number | – | Yes |
tag_type | Tag type: 'ti' or 'mifare' | ti | No |
Adds the mobile reg id to the EndUser object
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
id_type | – | Yes | |
reg_id | A registration id | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Logs a user in from a customer id and a PIN. Returns object containing session_key and other information.
"session_key": <string>,
"customer_info" : <object> {
"name": <string>,
"addr1": <string>,
"addr2": <string>,
"zip": <string>,
"tel": <string>,
"mobile": <string>
"mute_all": <boolean>,
"database_id": <optional integer>,
"database_name": <optional string>,
"company_id"" <optional str>
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
custid | Customer id | – | Yes |
pin | Customer PIN number | – | Yes |
Mutes notifications for a user
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
mute | Mute notifications | True | No |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Create a tag specified by tag_data properties. The tag will either be created anew or moved from the inventory, if it exists there.
Tag details are specified as following:
tag_number: str - tag number encoded as string
tag_system: str - tag system. this field can be one of two values: mifare or ti
customer: Optional[str] - the UID of customer that the new tag will be assigned to
tag_type: int - tag type. Allowed values:
1 (Tag)
2 (Card)
3 (Odometer required)
4 (UID requied)
5 (UID and Odometer required)
credit_type: str. Allowed values:
product_mask: list[int] - List of product types to support
pin: Optional[str]
suspended: bool
daily_limits: list[tuple[int, Optional[int]]]
metered_product_daily_limit: Optional[int]
vehicle_reg: str
vehicle_model: str
vehicle_fleet_no: str
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
network_uid | The uid of the network | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
tag_data | Tag data | – | Yes |
Get tag objects that belong to a network specified by network_uid.
This method returns the following response:
where tag_detail is the same response as in hydip.get_tag_detail, i.e.:
"tag": <string>
"tag_id": <string, identifier for tag to be used in queries>,
and so on
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
limit | Number of results per page; Optional, defaults to null | null | No |
network_uid | The uid of the network | – | Yes |
page | 1-indexed page number; Optional, defaults to null | null | No |
search_query | Tag number to search for | null | No |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Get a list of transactions, with an option date range. If start and end are supplied, they should be given as seconds since the epoch.
A transaction contains the following information:
"tag": <string tag id>,
"device": <device key>,
"customer": <string customer id>,
"id": <string unique identifier for this transaction>,
"start": <float start time>, # as seconds since the epoch)
"stop": <float stop time>, # as seconds since the epoch
"seq_num": <integer sequence number>,
"product": <integer product enum (see fueltracking.import)>,
"volume": <float volume dispensed>,
"price": <float price of transaction>,
"unit_price": <float price per unit of volume>,
"status": <integer transaction status bits (see below)>
"dispenser_index": <integer index of dispense>,
"credit": <float credit applied>,
"debit": <float debit applied>,
"source": <integer source enum>,
"odometer": <integer value of odometer>,
"userid": <integer user ID>,
"hosenumber": <integer index of hose>,
"network_uid": <uuid uid of network>,
"currency_display": <string currency>,
"units_display": <string units of measurement (e.g litres)>,
"device_name": <string device name>,
"product_name": <string readable product label from enum>,
"credit_type": <string readable credit type label from enum>,
"dispenser_index": <string hose number>,
"user_friendly_tagid": <string user friendly tag id>
Transaction status bits:
INVALID_ID = 1 << 0
OUT_OF_CREDIT = 1 << 2
COMM_ERR = 1 << 6
PWR_FAIL = 1 << 7
BCB_COMM_FAIL = 1 << 8
CREDIT_CHECK = 1 << 12
Transaction source enum:
UNKNOWN = 0 (not used)
DEVICE = 1 (transaction was a device)
ADMIN = 100 (transaction was from admin)
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
end | end time of transaction, or to last transaction if null | null | No |
network_uid | The uid of the network | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
start | start time of transaction range, or from earliest transaction if null | null | No |
Get new transactions since a previous call.
This method retrieves new transaction based on an update_index. On the first call to this method, update_index should be 0, which will return all transactions. A new value for update_index will be returned along with the transactions. Subsequent calls should use the update_index from the previous calls. This ensures that only new transactions will be returned.
This method returns the following response. The list of transactions is in the same format as the get_network_transactions method.
"update_index": <integer update index>,
"transactions": <list of transactions>
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
network_uid | The uid of the network | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
update_index | The update index returned from a previous export, (send 0 first time) | 0 | No |
Get a list of recent transactions, default limit of 50.
A transaction contains the following information:
"tag": <string tag id>,
"device": <device key>,
"customer": <string customer id>,
"id": <string unique identifier for this transaction>,
"start": <float start time>, # as seconds since the epoch)
"stop": <float stop time>, # as seconds since the epoch
"seq_num": <integer sequence number>,
"product": <integer product enum (see fueltracking.import)>,
"volume": <float volume dispensed>,
"price": <float price of transaction>,
"unit_price": <float price per unit of volume>,
"status": <integer transaction status bits (see below)>
"dispenser_index": <integer index of dispense>,
"credit": <float credit applied>,
"debit": <float debit applied>,
"source": <integer source enum>,
"odometer": <integer value of odometer>,
"userid": <integer user ID>,
"hosenumber": <integer index of hose>,
"network_uid": <uuid uid of network>,
"currency_display": <string currency>,
"units_display": <string units of measurement (e.g litres)>,
"device_name": <string device name>,
"product_name": <string readable product label from enum>,
"credit_type": <string readable credit type label from enum>,
"dispenser_index": <string hose number>,
"user_friendly_tagid": <string user friendly tag id>
Transaction status bits:
INVALID_ID = 1 << 0
OUT_OF_CREDIT = 1 << 2
COMM_ERR = 1 << 6
PWR_FAIL = 1 << 7
BCB_COMM_FAIL = 1 << 8
CREDIT_CHECK = 1 << 12
Transaction source enum:
UNKNOWN = 0 (not used)
DEVICE = 1 (transaction was a device)
ADMIN = 100 (transaction was from admin)
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
company | uid of the company to filter by | – | Yes |
limit | Number of objects in a page. Default 50, max 1000 | 50 | No |
network_uid | The uid of the network | null | No |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Import tag database. On success this method returns a dictionary containing statistics regarding the number of objects that were newly imported, modified or suspended. If the import fails for some reason an error code 7 will be returned, along with a (hopefully) helpful error message.
Customers and tags are given as a list of objects. Any enduser or tag that was previously imported, but not in this call will be marked as 'suspended'.
A customer should contain one or more of the following fields:
"id": <string customer id (required)>,
"name": <string customer name>,
"address1": <string address line 1>,
"address2": <string address line 2>,
"address3": <string address line 3>,
"zipcode": <string zipcode>,
"tel": <string telephone number>,
"mobile": <string mobile number>,
"notes": <string free notes field>,
"suspended": <boolean true if user is suspended>,
"balances": <list of balances, where a balance is a list of [<product enum>, <product value>]>,
"daily_limits": <list of balances, as balances, but the value may also be null>,
"payment_type": <integer payment type enum> (see below)
"driver_ids": <list of allowed driver ids>
Payment type enum:
The following is an example value for balances, were water is 100 liters and ADBLUE is 300 liters:
[[1, 100], [6, 300]]
A tag should contain one or more of the following fields:
"id": <string tag id (required)>,
"customer": <string id of customer who has this tag>,
"tag_type": <integer TAG=1, CARD=2, ODOM_REQ=3, UID_REQ=4, UID_ODOM_REQ=5 (required)>,
"credit_type": <integer CASH=1, VOLUME=2>,
"product_mask": <list of integers (see products enum below)>
"pin": <string for PIN number, or null for no PIN>,
"suspended": <boolean true if this card may not be used>,
"daily_limits": <list of per-tag daily limits, given as a list of [<product enum>, <product value>] (value may be null to indicate no limit)>,
"metered_product_daily_limit": <number for daily limit for volume tags with multiple products, or null>,
"vehicle_reg": <user defined vehicle reg number>,
"vehicle_model": <user defined vehicle model>,
"vehicle_fleet_no": <user defined vehicle fleet number>
Product enum:
OIL = 7
LPG = 8
AVGAS = 10
JETA1 = 11
CNG = 12
MPD = 13
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
customers | A list of customers to import | null | No |
network_uid | The uid of the network | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
tags | A list of tags to add/modify | null | No |
Unassigns the tag from network
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
network_uid | The uid of the network | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
tag_uid | The uid of the tag | – | Yes |
Get a list of networks.
Returned in the followed format:
"name": <Network name>,
"key": <Company key>
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
company_key | The uid of the company | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Gets all product types as enum labels and values in a dict. If a session key is given, the product names will be returned for the associated network, otherwise global names will be returned.
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
sessionkey | The sessionkey (optional) | – | Yes |
Get price zone for a given network.
Returns the following:
"key": <price zone key>,
"name": <price zone name>,
"prices": {
"<product name>": "<price or empty string>"
"prices_enum": {
"<product enum>": "<price or empty string>"
Prices are encoded as a strings (to avoid floating point error). An empty string indicates a null price (i.e. no price set).
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
company_key | The uid of the company | – | Yes |
network_key | The uid of the network | – | Yes |
pricezone_key | The uid of the pricezone | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Get pricezones for a given network.
Returns a list of objects for each price zone, in the following format:
"key": <price zone uid>,
"name": <price zone name>,
"prices": {
<product name>: <product price>
"prices_enum": {
<product enum>: <product price>
Prices are encoded as a strings (to avoid floating point error). An empty string indicates a null price (i.e. no price set).
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
company_key | The uid of the company | – | Yes |
network_key | The uid of the network | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
The price_data should be an object which maps the product on to the price.
The product should be an integer product enumeration. The price should be a string containing a price to three decimal places.
The product may also be string containing the product name, i.e. "diesel", but this is for backwards compatibility only.
Products not included in price_data will be left unchanged.
Return value is always True.
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
company_key | The uid of the company | – | Yes |
network_key | The uid of the network | – | Yes |
price_data | Dictionary of prices | – | Yes |
pricezone_key | The uid of the pricezone to update | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
company_key | The uid of the company | – | Yes |
network_key | The uid of the network | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
company_key | The uid of the company | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
site_key | The uid of the site | – | Yes |
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
company_key | The uid of the company | – | Yes |
network_key | The uid of the network | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
site_group_key | The uid of the site group (optional) | null | No |
Get the sites within a given radius from a location.
Response is the same as get_sites with the following additions:
"distance" is the distance to the site in km
"tanks" is a list of tanks in the site, exposing "name", "key", "product", "last_sample_time", and "last_sample_level"
"devices" is a list of the devices in a site, exposing "name", "key" and "gps"
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
company_key | The uid of the company | – | Yes |
latitude | Latitude of a location | – | Yes |
longitude | Longitude of a location | – | Yes |
network_key | The uid of the network | – | Yes |
radius | Radius (in km) to search for sites | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
site_group_key | The uid of the site group (optional) | null | No |
Gets a list of sites in a network, and the gps coords of the site, devices and tanks
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
company_key | The uid of the company | – | Yes |
network_key | The uid of the network | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Get a range of tank dips for a given device from start to end. If start is omitted then the start will be from the first available sample, if end is omitted, samples up to the most recent will be returned.
Samples are returned as a list of tuples where each tuple contains the timestamp and volume.
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
end | End date of sample range (as seconds since epoch) | null | No |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
start | Start date of sample range (as seconds since epoch) | null | No |
tank_uid | A tank uid | – | Yes |
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
asset_tag | Asset tag of a device | – | Yes |
company_key | The uid of the company | – | Yes |
network_key | The uid of the network | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Get latest samples for all tanks the user has access to.
Return value is a mapping of tank key to a list of two values, containing sample time and sample level.
<tank key>: [<sample time>, <sample level>],
The sample pairs may also be [null, null] if the tank has never recorded a sample.
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
company_key | The uid of the company | – | Yes |
network_key | The uid of the network | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
tank_group_key | The uid of the tank group (optional) | null | No |
Gets the tank groups that the user has permission to see
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
company_key | The uid of the company | – | Yes |
network_key | The uid of the network | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
Get tank objects for network and company
Parameter | Purpose | Default | Required? |
company_key | The uid of the company | – | Yes |
network_key | The uid of the network | – | Yes |
sessionkey | A session key returned from login | – | Yes |
tank_group_key | The uid of the tank group (optional) | null | No |